Send a report with the outmost confidentiality.


Information for the signaler pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree. 196/03
(Code of Privacy)
Data Controller
The Data Controller is Soc. Faggi Enrico S.p.A. with registered office in Sesto Fiorentino Via Ettore Majorana, 101/103 Cod. Fisc. 03614430480 - Tel. 055311861 - Fax 055311791 - E-mail:
Legal basis for processing
Personal data are processed by the Supervisory Body of the Company identified by Faggi Enrico S.p.A. as Manager of the Internal Reporting Channel. The Supervisory Body in the execution of its mandate has the task of ascertaining any wrongdoing reported in the interest of the integrity of the Institution, pursuant to art. 4 of D.lgs. 24/2023, by subjects who, due to a legal relationship (e.g. supply contract, employment contract, etc.) with the Company, become aware of illegal conduct indicated in art. 2 c.1 of D.lgs. 24/2023, carried out by personnel who cooperate in any way with the Company.
Types of data processed and purposes of processing
The data provided by the signaller in order to represent the alleged unlawful conduct mentioned above, are processed for the purpose of carrying out the necessary investigative activities aimed at verifying the validity of the reported fact and the adoption of the consequent measures. The management and preliminary verification of the merits of the circumstances represented in the report are entrusted to the Manager of the Internal Reporting Channel that provides it in compliance with the principles of impartiality and confidentiality by carrying out any activity deemed appropriate, including the personal hearing of the alerter and any other persons who may report on the reported facts. If, at the outcome of the verification, there are elements of not manifest groundlessness of the reported fact, the Manager will transmit the result of the investigation for further investigation or for the adoption of measures of competence to the Sole Administrator.
The collected data will be stored in a form that allows the identification of the data subjects for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed and in any case not more than 5 years.
Recipients of personal data
The personal data collected are processed:
• by the Supervisory Body (identified as the Manager of the Reporting Channel);
• by staff of the Company or by external Consultants (c.d. instructors/collaborators) appointed by the Supervisory Body to support it in the management of the reporting verification activities. The instructors/ collaborators act on the basis of specific instructions provided for the purposes and methods of processing;
• by DigitalPA S.r.l. as provider of the supply service and operational management of the technological platform legality whistleblowing as Data Controller pursuant to art. 28 of EU Regulation 2016/679.
The Judicial Authority and ANAC are recipients of the data collected following the alert, where appropriate
5. Data transfers
Personal data is stored on servers located within the European Union. It is in any case understood that the Data Controller, should it become necessary, will be able to move the servers also outside the EU. In this case, the Data Controller ensures that the transfer of data outside the EU will take place in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, after stipulating the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission.
Diritti degli interessati
Interested parties have the right to obtain from the Agency:
• access to your personal data;
• the correction;
• the cancellation of the same if the management of the report is concluded (art. 14 c.1 of Legislative Decree. 24/2023).
The appropriate request to the Data Controller is submitted by contacting the same at FAGGI ENRICO S.P.A. at the e-mail address
Data subjects who believe that the processing of personal data related to them carried out through this site is in breach of the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679, have the right to lodge a complaint, as provided by art. 77 of the same Regulation, or to appeal to the appropriate courts (art. 79 of the Regulation). Further information about your rights to the protection of personal data can be found on the website of the Data Protection Authority at
Sesto Fiorentino 12.12.2023 Gianni Faggi
Consent pursuant to art. 23 of Legislative Decree 196/03 (Privacy Code)
I, the undersigned, fully informed of the purposes and methods of processing of my data, consent to the processing of my personal data, common, sensitive and judicial, according to the purposes and in the manner specified in the information received.
You also consent to the communication of the same data to the Subjects listed in the information for the purposes related and/or instrumental to the employment relationship.
I declare that I have been informed in writing and verbally of the rights due to me and provided for by art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03.
Sesto Fiorentino Firma__________________________